Well, first things first. Truman turned 9 months old on Sunday. I can't believe he is already 9 months. That is so crazy. Today, Carter brought him to visit me at the office while I was working and he crawled two steps. This was the first. He has been crawling a few little steps at a time all afternoon, now. I am not ready for another kid in motion.
We had a long weekend. After school last Thursday, Walker threw up and so we didn't get to go to one of Daddy's games. He was in a bad mood after that. Friday, Mom, Truman and I went looking at short term rehab facilities for Gigi. It took us all day and Truman was a trooper. We found one and she has been accepted. She will most likely be moved there on Wednesday (tomorrow). She is doing much better but tonight she fell in the bathroom b/c the nurse just left her in there.
Saturday, I woke up with a nauseous tummy. I couldn't keep anything down all day long and Carter was the best husband ever and took care of the boys all day long while I wallowed away on the couch and in the bed. I recovered, and on Sunday we were ready to take it easy, just running a few errands.
Yesterday, Carter had an upset stomach, but was ok for the most part. We capped off the day with some yummy burgers from 5 Guys.
Walker has been climbing trees lately. He is quick and can scurry up just like a monkey. Truman really is blossoming. He waves, gives me five, and shakes his head no at me all the time. Here are some pictures from the past week.
Walker found Carter's old high school jock strap and cup in a bag. He had fun trying it on.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
We have a crawler!!!
Posted by
7:28 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Wednesday Wackyness
I am so glad that Spring is finally here. We have had a really nice past week with the weather being so beautiful. We have been spending so much time outside.
Walker is doing pretty good with his potty training. If we could get him to just stop what he is doing sometimes we would really be in business.
Truman is developing quite a personality. He is getting so grown up. He finally takes his bottles and eats almost everything in sight. He loves Mexican food and pancakes. Anything we are eating, he wants. He is still not crawling, but he can cruise around his fun wall and stands at it for long periods of time. We are trying to teach him to clap, but he won't, he just wants to clap our hands together and today the teachers at Mother's Morning Out said he waves. I can't believe how big he is getting.
I have been trying to teach Walker some of his letters. He is really good with W because of his name. Today when we saw it, he called it a DoubleME!! Haha. I thought that was so cute.
In other news, I joined the church softball league. I have been really sore since my first game on Sunday. I had a lot of fun, though.
Here are some pictures from the last several days. Oh, please pray for my Mother in Law, who is missioning in The Sudan, and for Gigi, who is having a tough time in the hospital.
He was so happy...he was on the seesaw.
Posted by
5:25 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
Foto Friday
We decided to go for a walk yesterday. It was really warm, and the boys had a great time. Please excuse Walker. He doesn't like to have his picture taken anymore.
We walked to a playground and Walker played.
Truman hung out in the stroller.
After our walk we went to a baseball game to see Daddy. Walker got a kick out of riding in Daddy's Gator. Sorry I don't have one of his face.
Walker got into some baseball action.
So did Truman
He also enjoyed sitting in the sun.
Posted by
7:09 AM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Gigi is doing good
Don't worry, I asked if I could post the picture. According to the surgeon, the damage was worse than expected. She will have a colostomy bag for a few months and then have to have that reversed. She is uncomfortable, but ready to get up and moving. She is in ICU few a little while today, but will soon be moved to a regular room. Thank you all for your prayers.
Posted by
8:29 AM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Prayers for Gigi, Please
Gigi, aka, Grandmommy, my 82 year old (I know she will be happy that I am telling her age online) is having surgery tomorrow afternoon to remove a foot and a half of her colon. She also has an abdominal abscess that is going to be removed as well. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers over the next week or so, especially tomorrow.
Posted by
7:27 PM
Friday, April 11, 2008
Foto Friday
Here are some new pics of the boys.
Tractor boys...stolen from my Mommy's blog.
Sitting at their new table from Grammy and Papa and eating Fruity Cheerios
Posted by
7:59 AM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Thursday Thirteen
I am so stealing the topic for this TT from Margaret.
Thirteen things that Walker and Truman are doing right now.
Walker (2 1/2)
1. Really loving playing with bubbles
2. Potty training (he didn't have any accidents today)!!!
3. Loves Go, Diego, Go
4. Jumping off of everything
5. Pushes Truman over
6. Loves going on walks (he walks himself)
7. He is a hit and miss eater
8. He can finally climb in the fast food playgrounds with his short little legs
9. Wears a 12-18 month short and a 3T shirt
10. Loves going to Target
11. Comes in our room a few nights a week and crawls into bed with us.
12. Is still the biggest crank when he gets up in the morning
13. Doesn't nap anymore.
Truman (8 months)
1. Eats everything in sight
2. Is finally taking 2 bottles a day and nursing 2 times
3. Is trying to figure out how to crawl. He can get on his knees now!!
4. Sleeps from 6:30-6:45 or 7
5. Loves Fruity Cheerios and Ritz Crackers
6. Gets really excited when he sees me after I have been gone.
7. Is a happy boy when he gets up in the morning
8. Really likes tape measures (I have to be careful with them)
9. Has finally started taking good naps
10. Can hold his bottle pretty well and really won't let ME feed him.
11. Says dawh, dawh when he sees our dogs
12. Plays peekaboo by holding his bib over his head and pulling it down
13. Refuses to roll from back to stomach. As soon as you put him on his tummy he rolls over.
Posted by
8:19 PM
Friday, April 4, 2008
10-15 Things you might not know about me.
Lindsey tagged me for this, so I better comply.
1. One time I told my sister to hide behind a tree because I was throwing darts at it. She didn't listen and got stuck behind the ear...I was probably 10 or so.
2. My husband I and I only dated 2 months before we got engaged and only 5.5 months before we were married.
3. I sang at Carnegie Hall.
4. I lived in Italy for 4 months while I was an Au Pair after graduate school
5. My college roommate and I gave birth to babies 8 hrs apart, next door to each other, both boys, both named Truman (her's goes by Tru)
6. I love to fly and I love turbulance
7. I really dislike mushrooms
8. I only like meat and sauce and cheese on my pizza...hold the veggies, please.
9. My favorite movie is The American President.
10. In 3rd grade I told my teacher that a boy punched me in the stomach...we both got sent to the principle.
11. I used to be overly obsessed with Soap Operas. I think there was a time that I watch 7 different ones a day. Now I only watch one (General Hospital)
12. Like Lindsey, I am a baby name snob. I can't help it. I have a slight obsession with it. It has gotten much better since I was allowed to name my own children.
OK, that is it for now. I will tag...
Posted by
11:41 AM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Tricia is getting her new lungs right now!!!! PRAY!!!
Tricia is in the operating room right now getting her new lungs. Please pray for her health, the doctor's hands, her husband Nate (It is his birthday today), and especially the donor's family. Thank you all for your prayers.
Posted by
5:07 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
What I have been up to.
I have been meaning to post all week, but life kept getting in the way. It really is not excuse, but I have felt really busy the last several days.
Carter and I had a talk last Wednesday night after I called him and told him that I was going to sell Walker and that he better come home. Walker had an eventful Wednesday while we were at the doctor's office checking to see if his ears were getting any better (they did) and he did things like climb into the sink with the water running and his shoes off while I was trying to change his screamy squirmy brother. Big B kept him Wednesday afternoon while I was at work and he did things like hitting the dog and his brother and just being generally disobedient and so that night, after trying unsuccessfully to sell him to some old people Carter and I decided that things had to change for him. We are trying to give him more attention and it seems to be working and I haven't had to even attempt to sell him for 5 days now.
Truman turned 8 months old on Thursday. I can't believe my little baby is that old. He has really changed in the last few weeks. He looks older. He has 4 teeth now. He is almost 22 lbs and 30 inches. He is above the 97th %ile in length. What can I say, we small people have big babies. He isn't crawling yet, but he is rolling over from his front to his back. He refuses the other way still even though he can do it.
Walker got sick on Sunday. He had awful post nasal drip and it caused him to throw up twice. We were prepared, though and it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Truman's nose it running now and he is a bit whiny. I hope he doesn't get too sick.
We had big news here today. Walker got all the way dressed all by himself. He put on underwear (backwards) , jeans, a polo shirt and his crocs all by his little lonesome. I was so impressed. Then, in even bigger news...HE POOPED ON THE POTTY!!! He did it at school and he even told his teacher he had to go. He really wants a pitching machine and we told him if he gets all the way potty trained that we would get him one. He is really excited and I have played up the fact that he is a big boy all day.
In April Fool's News, my husband is a big IDIOT and mean spirited moron. He had to run out this morning before I took Walker to school. He took Truman with him. He called me as I was dropping Walker off in his classroom and told me that he had been in a wreck. I asked if everything was okay and he said the Car looked pretty bad. I had to call him back as Walker was having a hard time with me leaving. I told his teachers what happened and left screaming Walker to go and talk to Carter. When I got back in touch with him I asked him what happened. He said nothing and April Fools. Well you can imagine how happy I was that it wasn't true and how mad at my dear husband I was. I told him so and hung up. I made it to my car and cried. I called him back and let him have it and told him how that wasn't even remotely funny and that he should be ashamed.
I hope you all have had a good week and I hope you all have nice husbands who don't play mean cruel tricks on you like mine did.
Posted by
5:30 PM