Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thursday Thirteen.

My 13 Favorite Places I have been. In no particular order.

1. Rome ( I lived there 4 months)
2. Mexico (I went for my honeymoon)
3. London
4. New York City
5. Savannah (I went for work several years ago. It was hot, but awesome)
6. Quebec
7. Colorado (I went skiing as a Young Life Leader)
8. The Italian Alps (ski trip as well. One of the most beautiful places on earth)
9. Pompeii
10. Orlando (I love that my aunt lives there. It is much cheaper to visit that way)
11. Florence, Italy
12. Orange Beach, Alabama (Gotta love grandparents who own a condo)
13. Boston (Presented a session at a conference up there. It was so cool.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't remember how I found your blog but your children are soo cute. I have 3 boys and boys are so much fun.

You've traveled alot.

Have a great day!