I took some pictures of Truman this afternoon. He was quite cooperative. His fever is down for now and he seems to be feeling better. The doc gave us antibiotics as he had elevated white counts and a cough medicine (he didn't and still doesn't have a cough) and his snot has stopped. He also doesn't have pneumonia which was a concern this morning as well. So here are some pictures.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Pictures of a 6 month old
Posted by
8:05 PM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
6 Months Old!!!
Here are some pictures from the past 6 months. I can't believe it has been so long.
Truman and his best friend Tru...only 8 hrs difference!
One of my favorites
At 9 days old
One month old
2 Months old
3 Months old
Another 3 month pic
4 months old
5 months old
5 months old
I will have to add a 6 month pic when I get one. The little monster is sick with a fever and doesn't really want his picture taken today.
Posted by
12:15 PM
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
We have a roller!!!
Finally. Truman is almost 6 months old and he just started rolling last night. He still has to be prompted by tapping his leg, but it is all him. He is so big I guess it is hard to move that weight all the way over. He is about 20.5 lbs now. Big ole Bubba. Here is a video of it.
It is really cold here and we haven't been getting out much. I am starting to go stir crazy. Walker has been going nuts and running through the house. He has started trying to be a gladiator (thank you American Gladiators) and he puts on knee and elbow pads and busts through doors. He is getting to be really smart and sneaky. I can't believe how big he is getting.
We made another video tonight of Walker telling Mema he loves her. Mema is down in Belize until March and so we thought she might like this. I know she is reading this blog.
Posted by
8:11 PM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Happy Monday
Here is a story from this weekend.
On Saturday, I was sitting in the chair feeding TruMonster and Walker was playing on the floor. He was very tired. I think he fell asleep and in a sudden pop, he landed face first onto the floor. Really, It was a very hard chin first. He got up in the chair with me and sobbed. After a few minutes he calmed down and asked for a Popsicle. I agreed it was a good idea and he went and got one out of the freezer and ate it in the kitchen. He came back in the room after he had finished and I asked him if he was done with it and he said yes. A few seconds later he went back over to where he had fallen. He started hitting his chin into the ground. Each time he would look up and ask for a popcicle. Boy, am I in trouble with this one.
Posted by
7:06 AM
Friday, January 18, 2008
Oh, the eggy goodness that now rests in my belly!!!
Yesterday I went to work and found that Galen (master cook extraordinare) had made a little dish called the German Pancake. I tried it and as soon as she finished with her patient I asked her how to make it (praying the whole time it would be super simple). She told me it was and gave me the recipe. I made it this morning. Oh, the ecstasy that I have enjoyed. Save for the pieces that Carter and Walker have had, I have had the entire recipe. OH MY TASTYNESS I might bathe in it, well, not really but I sure did like it and might have to slap my mama when I see her it was so good. I will post the recipe and if you don't mind eggyness (cause some people do), whip this one up and serve the family.
So here goes.
Preheat oven to 400.
In a 9x13 glass casserole put a stick of butter (I used unsalted, Galen uses Salted. I just added a bit of salt to my batter (about 1 teaspoon)
Put it in the oven whilst it preheats.
In a blender put
1 cup of flour
1 cup of milk
6 (yes you read that right) eggs
pinch of salt (optional) but I like some salt in it since I didn't use the salted butter, it is up to you.
When the oven is preheated blend another quick time to make sure the contents haven't separated and pour into your casserole.
Bake 20 minutes.
Remove and sprinkle with powdered sugar immediately.
Ok, so when I made mine some of the butter had pooled on the top when it was done. I just patted it off with some paper towels, but I am sure it wouldn't hurt you if you didn't.
Posted by
8:23 AM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Because it is such an appropriate toy!! And other things
Tonight while we were putting Walker to bed he was playing with one of his cars. I looked down on it and was appalled by what it was. I showed Carter and we snuck it away from him. He was playing with....
That's right, he was playing with a HEARSE!!! To me, not such a great toy. It was just way too creepy.
In other news, Walker has learned to climb into Truman's crib. This is not too good. Hopefully we can curb this new found monkeyness, but somehow, I doubt it.
Here are some other recent pics.
Here is a pic of Nora that Carter took yesterday.
Saturday night I was getting ready for a party and Walker entertained Truman on the bed.
Last Friday we went to Matt and Vicki's house. Here is the group.
from left to right Walker, Will, Emma, Ava, Charles and Truman
That's all, folks.
Posted by
6:50 PM
Monday, January 14, 2008
A good idea gone horribly wrong!!!
Last Sunday I decided that there just weren't enough hours in the day for me to get things done so I decided that starting on Monday I would get up at 6:45 instead of letting the kids wake me up (usually at 7:30ish). I set my alarm and went to bed.
Monday Truman got up at ten til 6. That's right, an hour and 40 minutes before I was expecting him. He did this everyday until this morning. I did accomplish my goal of getting up and moving, but really, this is not what I had in mind. Thankfully, he decided to get up at 7 this morning and I was so greatful. I didn't get moving nearly as quickly. I am going to have to set the alarm again. I hope this time he doesn't get it in his sweet little head that he has to be up before mommy. That wasn't very nice of him.
Posted by
2:24 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
My Spirited Art
Tonight I got to do something for myself. I don't think I have gotten to do that since before WALKER was born. One of my good friends, Bekah, teaches an art class. There were several other girls and we all painted for 2 hrs. I have never painted anything (except for walls). I had so much fun. I am so proud of myself. Carter watched the boys and they were good for him. Here is a picture of my painting...
Posted by
7:15 PM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
So much for Wordless Wednesdays!!
We finally got the results of Truman's allergy blood work on Monday. He isn't allergic to anything. Well isn't that great (not that I wanted him to have an allergy mind you), all this trouble for nothing. He did have some kind of reaction. Who knows. We were given the green light to start feeding him again. He got carrots. Man, does he love some carrots. I would post a picture, but he eats them so quickly that I haven't had a chance to take any yet. He likes them so much that he eats an entire Stage 2 jar...in less than 5 minutes.
Truman also got a tooth in the past week. It hasn't been too traumatic, I probably wouldn't have known if I wasn't a tooth Nazi and always checking in his mouth. He and Walker got their teeth at right about the same time (If you take Truman's prematurity in account).
Also on the Truman front....he still isn't rolling. Oh well.
He also started his first day of school today. His teachers are Ms. Velma and Ms. Martha. He did great and ate all of his carrots (of course). He didn't take a bottle but that is fine.
Ok, some news on Walker. We entered him in the Live with Regis and Kelly baby contest. I will post a pic of what we entered. I know it is a long shot, but if he wins it is $125,000 towards college. WOW!!
Here are a few pics.
Posted by
12:02 PM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Because they like me to take their pictures so much....NOT!!!! Atleast I got a few of them that I like!!
Truman has really taken a liking to Nora in the last week or so. He wishes she would sit still.
He really did enjoy his time in the swing this afternoon.
Walker really didn't want his pictures taken today. I bribed him with Caramels. I am such a good mom!!
He crashed and slept for 30 minutes
Then he was up again.
Posted by
8:10 PM
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Suffocation Warning to all who might read
Tonight I was nursing Truman and Walker was having a drink out of a clear plastic cup. It was disposable, smaller than a solo, but not that much, and he had finished his drink. He placed the cup over his mouth and nose and sucked in. It stuck. I watched as he started to realize he couldn't breathe and he almost panicked, but he got the cup off. I was going to give him a few more seconds to get it off himself before I stepped in. I would have never thought he could suffocate in a cup. He sure was scared. He didn't cry, but he did say that it scared him. I am glad it did so maybe he won't do something like that again. Just thought I would let you know. I would have never thought.
Pass this warning on to all with little kids. If I had not been in the room who knows what could have happened.
Posted by
6:43 PM