Thursday, January 3, 2008

Suffocation Warning to all who might read

Tonight I was nursing Truman and Walker was having a drink out of a clear plastic cup. It was disposable, smaller than a solo, but not that much, and he had finished his drink. He placed the cup over his mouth and nose and sucked in. It stuck. I watched as he started to realize he couldn't breathe and he almost panicked, but he got the cup off. I was going to give him a few more seconds to get it off himself before I stepped in. I would have never thought he could suffocate in a cup. He sure was scared. He didn't cry, but he did say that it scared him. I am glad it did so maybe he won't do something like that again. Just thought I would let you know. I would have never thought.

Pass this warning on to all with little kids. If I had not been in the room who knows what could have happened.


Unknown said...

That would be scary! So glad everything is okay!

Anonymous said...

Yike...Mimi is VERY GLAD she found out after the fact!!