Emily tagged me. My rule is that after you do this you must leave me a comment so I know you have done it. It is a finish this phrase kind of thing. Here goes. Free association, people.
* Maybe I should...Clean my house.
* I love the smell of...my fresh clean babies.
* People would say that I...talk a whole bunch.
* I don’t understand why...my opinion isn't the only one that counts...:-0
* When I wake up in the morning...I got to pee
* I lost my will power to...eat right.
* Life is wonderful with...a good book, all my boys, a beach.
* My past made me...who I am today.
* I get annoyed when...people don't listen to me. I am telling you people that I am brilliant...you really should listen.
* Parties are not...for people who are not party people.
* Dogs are...OK, but not my favorite...puppies are on the other hand.
* Cats...Very cute and should be called kiddens.
* Tomorrow I am going to...Go shopping, it is FRIDAY.
* I have a low tolerance for...whining. Not that I don't whine myself.
* I'm totally terrified of...spiders.
* I wonder why I thought my life would be...easier than it is.
* Never in my life...have I eaten liver...and I don't think I ever will.
* High school was something that...might be fun to do over knowing all that I know now.
* When I'm nervous...I can't form coherent thoughts.
* Take my advice...Really, I mean it.
* Making my bed is...something I do only when absolutely necessary.
* I'm almost always...optomistic.
* I'm addicted to...it really depends on the day. Sometimes it is tv, other times blogging, other times food.
* I want someone...to take me on a nice relaxing vacation.
I would like to tag everyone who sees this. That should cover it. I totally stole that last line from Emily.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tagged Again
Posted by
9:23 AM
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Photobucket gave me the picture back!!!
They said it was a mistake. I am glad. Here it is...
Walker practicing for his Abercrombie and Fitch Catalog photo shoot. Haha.
Posted by
6:25 PM
Tagged by Margaret
I was tagged by Margaret. So here are the rules as to what I had to do and if you are one of my lucky 7 below then you need to also do the following:1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. 3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. 4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog .Here are my Seven:
1. I hate brushing my teeth. I really really hate it. I do it, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.
2. My second toes are both longer than my big toes. I think it is a sign of genius.
3. I was the 4th Generation in my family to graduate from MY high school. My great grandparents were in the first graduating class. Each generation has also married someone from that school as well. We still live in district so Walker and Truman might just do the same thing.
4. I really love cheeseburgers. I just don't like homemade ones (like not from a restaurant)
5. Going back to number 4, I must have cheese on my burger. I don't like plain. Oh, and I only like ketchup, too.
6. I must be hungry. I don't like veggies on my pizza, only meat.
7. I hate putting away laundry. This is why Carter just carted several weeks worth upstairs to our room. He really wants me to put it away so the folding table can get the new clean clothes folded.
ok so I need to tag 7 people
Posted by
8:40 AM
Monday, May 26, 2008
How we spent our Memorial Day weekend
First off, in the last post I mentioned that Truman likes to draw. Well, I didn't think about his drawing tool...I really shouldn't give him markers just yet...
On Saturday morning, Walker and I attended a birthday party for a little boy from his class. We went to one of those indoor inflatable play places. He had an absolute blast. They are open certain hours during the week so we will have to go back one day. The hour and a half of jumping wore him out and he crashed hard and took a nap. That evening we went to my cousin's wedding party reception thingy here in town since they were married in Jamaica in Feb. Walker had a great time b/c they had a trampoline, Carter and I had a great time since they were boiling some tasty crab legs.
Sunday we were up bright and early to go to the lake. Walker has been talking for months about going fishing and this was our first chance to take him. He had a blast. He caught several fish.
My dad also put a fish down his life jacket. The pictures of those are on my dad's camera and will have to wait.
He enjoyed jet skiing with his daddy and really liked going fast.
Truman had a good time, too. We brought an inflatable boat and he hung out in that with some water in it on the dock.
and in the water
He kept us busy by climbing the stairs
and clapped when he reached the top.
The boys were exhausted by the time we left last night and Truman fell asleep on the way home. Walker, however, did not, and talked the entire 45 minute drive.
Today we decided to take it easy. We set up an inflatable pool and raft in the yard and made a water slide. The boys had a great time and I got to hang out and watch them. I even got to read an entire book!!!
Here is Walker practicing for his upcoming role as an Abercrombie and Fitch Catalog model. :-)
(edited by me: Photobucket won't let me post this photo b/c they think it is inappropriate. I do not and if you want to see it I will email it to you b/c it really is funny. There was no nudity involved he has in a swimsuit.)
That was tough work. Walker fell asleep outside and took a nice nap on a towel.
For lunch we went to Dreamland to have some ribs. Truman really liked them and we thought we might not get it away from him.
I hope you all had a fun weekend.
Posted by
7:35 PM
Friday, May 23, 2008
He can use a straw!!!
I don't have a picture of him actually doing it, but I am so excited that Truman can use a straw. I was just thinking last night (while we were out to dinner) that I really wish he would figure it out. Well, we were out again tonight and he was having a fit (he is getting good at them) because Walker had a drink that wasn't in a sippy cup. I tried to give him his sippy and he kept pushing it away. Carter gave him some of his drink and he sucked it through the straw. I was so proud. He ended up with Walker's drink (some Powerade) and Walker got a new one, but everyone ended up happy.
As for the fits, well we are going to work on those. He is really getting close to full blown tantrums and he isn't even 10 months old yet. What am I in for?
In other news, he really seems to like to draw. He says "draw" and then does it. I am amazed. OH, and have I mentioned that the other monster living in our house (Walker) is potty trained? Well, he is!!!! Yippee for me, although it is more work when you are out, he peed in the parking lot of the mall and in the street while we were on our walk tonight. Oh well, what do you do?
Posted by
8:05 PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Random Pictures from the last week or so
Two boys in a bucket
One boy in a bucket
The other boy in a bucket
Truman's preferred mode of transportation
Breakfast buddies
Puma and Mimi
Enjoying whipped cream
Walker ate his like a dog
I told you they were random
Posted by
6:07 AM
Friday, May 16, 2008
So Bad I have to laugh...
Two weeks ago we had our family picture made for the church directory. I was really looking forward to it because when we had our last picture made I was pregnant with Walker. We arrived 10 minutes early and then had to wait 45 minutes past our appointment time due to a backup b/c too many families were having pictures taken at that time as well. The boys were not happy when it was finally our turn. There were several people waiting after us so we told the photographer that we just wanted a family picture, that we didn't need him to take 100 shots of each kid in all different kind of poses (We have way too many pictures as it is). He posed us and started making silly faces (fine with me, I did want the boys smiling in the picture). He took 5 pictures. I figured he must have gotten a good one if he took that few. We went into view them. The following is the best one of the group. We got it free for just showing up. I am really just not sure what to do with it. If anyone wants it, let me know. My boys look so happy to be there. You can clearly see how funny they thought the photographer was being. Haha
Posted by
1:16 PM
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Lots of Pics
The other night...Thursday, after all the tornadoes had finished threatening, we took a walk after dinner to go to get some ice cream. On the way there I saw a cat sitting up against a garage door. I pointed him out to Walker and he stopped and looked at it. The cat, who must be stark raving mad, looked at Walker and proceeded to cross the street and come to see him. Walker was very nice, as was the kitty and here are pictures from that encounter.
We went to get our ice cream and had a grand old time. It was a really nice walk.
Oh yes, after the storms passed, I went to work and Carter let Walker go and play in the rain.
That night for dinner we had corn on the cob.
Big B and Jeff got the boys some new outfits. Here are the helicopter ones. They are super cute and Walker really loves them.
Last night we went to Will's 3rd birthday party. The boys had lots of fun. Walker didn't stop the entire time we were there.
Truman had a good time, too.
He hung out with Charles and Lucy
Will and Walker had fun sliding.
I think Truman is in love
While I was at the party I took a few pics of some flowers
This siggy was made for me and I just love it so much and wanted to show it off.
Posted by
8:30 AM